Wednesday 2 February 2011

My first solo show!

So this summer one of my old housemates emailed me to let me know he was gone start a small gallery in Trondheim, and that he wanted my photographs for his opening show.

I was really exited and not at least nerves, what to put up, what kind of prints and so on. Lucky Martin helped me pick out some work he thought would go well, and I agree with his choice.

sadly I did not have time to go up there myself to set everything up and all that, but I think the job Martin did was great. it is weird though having my work up and to give away that control, for those who know me know have much I hate loosing control hehe....

I think it is a pretty great first solo show if I might be so bold to say, and I am hoping that this is the start of something great. Both for me and for this great gallery space; Gallery TD

Again big kudos to Martin and his great gallery space and I am hoping I get the chance to work with him again soon.


  1. Gratulerer !! Så flott - bare så synd det er så lagt å reise, neste gang får du ha den i Drammen/Kongsberg Hva med Jazzen til sommeren ?

  2. Gratulerer! Det må jo helt klart ha vært utrolig morsomt! =)

  3. Stolt av deg lillesøss!!! KJEMPESTOLT!
